Health & Wellness
Love Note/Client Testimonial
“I absolutely loved working with Christine. She was so easy to talk to. Our time together was fun and fulfilling. ...
My Personal Story
After years of experiencing burnout disorder, compassion fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and struggling with...
We Are What We Wear?: To Monitor or Commune
Do you ever have one of those moments? The kind of moment where you have an epiphany?, Where you hear something far...
The REAL Effect of Social Media on Kids
New guidelines just came out from the government on what age children should have a phone and/or be on social media....
Understanding the Amygdala
Stress. Anxiety. Panic. It all starts with the amygdala. The amygdala is an almond shaped component of the brain which...
Its all about perspective. What is forgiveness? We find it so hard to forgive as most of us have a little voice in our...
PTSD – Handled the “Esoteric Healing” Way
So many people in the world have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Often they don’t evenknow that they have it....
The Energetics of Breast Cancer
My name is Bernadette Bloom. I am a holistic physical therapist, medical intuitive andenergy worker. This article on...
The Energetics of FIBROMYALGIA
BERNADETTE BLOOM MI. PT. as channeled from the Tibetan Djwhal KhulFibromyalgia affects more women than men.It is...
Healing Diabetes the Esoteric Healing Way
Healing Diabetes the Esoteric Way Esoteric healing can help beyond what is offered from traditional medicine,...
Expectations and Layers
I used to get upset when I realized something wasn’t turning out the way I wanted or thought it should. I’d get an...
Gratitude and Your Health
You know the phrase “Bloom where you are planted?” Well it has a new meaning for me when I think of it from the...
Beliefs and Your Healing: What’s the connection?
“She believed she could, so she did.” I have a t-shirt that I like to wear that has this phrase written on it....
Rest is Radical
5 Signs that you might be living your life on autopilot
What Am I Hungry For? Eating with Intention and Purpose
Eating is a sacred act. It is nourishment and life for our bodies, minds, and spirits. Our food is more than our...
Reflections on the Clearing Process
Reflections On the Power of Clearing The following is some of my philosophy that lies behind the Power of Clearing...
Weekly Yoga Classes
Come drop in for a class either from your home or at our studio! Our goal is to make wellness accessible and...
What is a Stress Bucket and Why Should I Care?
What is a Stress Bucket? How can I use this idea to stay more calm and balanced throughout the day? This three minute...
What is Grounding & Why is it Important?
What is grounding? How can I do it? What benefit does it provide? This short three minute video includes a quick...
What Is Energy?
What is Energy? We hear this word often but what does it really mean? In this short three minute video, I define...
Collaborative goal setting in primary care medical practice
Health and Wellness Coach in Madison Wisconsin
Perspective on Wellness and Aging by Interview
Perspective on wellness and aging by interview The interview date was October 30th, 2018. I interviewed one of...
The Power of Forgiveness
The Power of Forgiveness by Sandy Levey-Lundén, Miracle Network 2012 How I Came to Study the Course and the prayer...
Minimalism (Spring Cleaning!)
It's finally Spring! . . . which means that, here in Portland, there are now smatterings of rain-free (sunny, even)...
Surviving PTSD
When I was leaving the hospital after a: few near death experiences, coma, and major surgery, the ICU nurse told me...
Nutrition Affects Mood
As I begin a new diet this month, I feel inspired to discuss food. And its effects on mood. And with that, in light of...
Effects of Abdominal Health on the Nervous System
Watch "Effects of Abdominal Health on the Nervous System" on YouTube Isabel Spradlin of Spradlin Bodyworks hosts an...
Welcome to Laera’s Lair of Natural Healing!
Watch "Welcome to Laera's Lair of Natural Healing" on YouTube The mission of Laera's Lair is to guide people to heal...
10 Ways To Love Yourself
Real Ways To Cultivate Self-Love Love is the “capstone” sustaining and holding life itself together. We are the...
Meet the Life Gardener
Mindfulness Monday Quick Hit #14 ~ Stop Your Busy: And Become Present Just Like That
Are you one of those people who has "to get to just one more thing" - constantly? How about needing to be on-the-go...
Mindfulness Monday Quick Hit #1 ~ So Simple
Do you want to start your week off right? Check out your Mindfulness Monday Quick Hit below. Step outside and feel...
Train Your Brain and Manage Your Anxiety: Mindfulness Gives You The Choice
Does it ever feel like you just can't control your thoughts? Jumping from one anxiety provoking scenario to another...
A Healthy Mind
When I was growing up, I remember observing my dad doing specific habits regularly. Praying, meditating while...
Harvesting Happiness: The One Thing That I Know
This is the photo of one happy "farm boy!" And the one thing that I know is it wasn't always the way he felt about the...
Breathing and the Alexander Technique
Breathing is something we do naturally, and without this action we would not be alive. From our first inhalation that...
Alexander Technique and the Pelvis
Human beings are born with an amazing possibility of understanding and developing their own innate body wisdom....
How Your Posture Affects Your Life
Greetings and Happy Holidays to everyone. I wanted to get a second newsletter out before the end of the year. It’s...
The Benefits of the Alexander Technique
Alexander Technique teacher, Tami Bulmash, discussing "The Benefits of the Alexander Technique" with Dr. Nelson...
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Tell Your Teenager to Sit Up Straight
When I look back on my teenage years, the feeling is quite mixed. Along with the fond memories, ardent friendships and...
No Balance = No Satisfaction, No Success
Tired of chasing success & satisfaction? Not sure what you’re doing wrong? Our research shows that most women are...