Tired of chasing success & satisfaction? Not sure what you’re doing wrong?
Our research shows that most women are following the wrong strategies as they work tirelessly to achieve success and satisfaction. In fact, our studies reveal that most of you are working against yourselves. Ouch!
When you follow your proper human design strategy, and you make sure that your Mind, Body & Spirit are all strong and in alignment, then you’ll start experiencing the results you envision with less effort. I know this firsthand, as I’ve been personally experimenting all year, and am eager to share this info it with you!
Consider this:
Your mind can be the LEAST HELPFUL tool in your toolbox unless you know how to train it and control the negative thinking that overtakes it. When you use it for your benefit, it’s quite powerful, but most people simply rehash the same negative thinking over and over, and then expect their life/business situation to change. Get a handle on your mind, and you’re much closer to achieving your goals.
But that’s not all –
Your body is Command Central for your entire life.
And while we know we need it to exist – it literally supports us – often we either ignore or even abuse it. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “You’re a spiritual being in a human body,” and so your body (often called “the body temple”) enables your Spirit to exist and move freely through life. It provides you with not only needed energy to live your day powerfully, it’s also one of the best decision-making tools on the planet. Think about how many times you’ve said “It doesn’t feel right” or “Yes, that feels like a good idea.” The only place we actually feel things is within our bodies, which provides invaluable wisdom and knowledge. However, if you’re disconnected from it, you’ll miss these precious signs.
Some wonder how in the world Spirit can help in business. First of all, when we say “Spirit,” we’re referring to something you cannot see, that is larger than you, that you can access for support. To you that may be “God,” “Nature,” “Universal Intelligence,” “Jesus,” Buddha,” etc. What you call it does not matter; what matters is that you call upon it. Plugging into this Source provides access to intuition, resourcefulness, serendipity, flow and trust. It’s like connecting your electrical cord to the outlet in the wall; instantly you’re provided with power, energy, and flow.
If you’re feeling out of balance, or you’re not sure what’s wrong, take our quick Something’s Missing Quiz to find out. At the end you’ll get a bonus First Aid Kit customized to help you strengthen whatever’s off in your system.