by Christine L. Barlet | Nov 10, 2023 | Coaching, Gratitude, Health & Wellness
“I absolutely loved working with Christine. She was so easy to talk to. Our time together was fun and fulfilling. What made Christine stand out was her dedication to her work, and her extreme professionalism. I loved how organized she was. I decided to work with...
by Christine L. Barlet | Nov 10, 2023 | Authenticity, Empowerment, Health & Wellness
After years of experiencing burnout disorder, compassion fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and struggling with imposter syndrome I had come to the realization that I had hit rock bottom and things needed to change. I didn’t want to devote anymore time and energy to...
by Kathy Fyler | Nov 7, 2023 | Gratitude
You’ve been grateful your whole life. In fact, among the first words you learned as a child are the words “thank you”. Your parents taught you when to say it, who to say it to and that you should say it every time something good is bestowed upon you. As you grew up,...
by Beverly Akhurst | Jun 21, 2023 | Coaching, Empowerment, Health & Wellness
Do you ever have one of those moments? The kind of moment where you have an epiphany?, Where you hear something far differently than you have heard it before, even if the words seems the same?I have them all the time and today I was shaken into awareness by another....
by Sue Campanella | Jun 6, 2023 | Children, Empowerment, Health, Health & Wellness, Parenting, Transformation
New guidelines just came out from the government on what age children should have a phone and/or be on social media. We don’t need the government to give us permission to expose our children to what is on social media and/or the bullying that is happening on different...
by Melissa Griffiths | May 20, 2023 | Energy Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development
Stress. Anxiety. Panic. It all starts with the amygdala. The amygdala is an almond shaped component of the brain which plays a major role in how we process strong emotions, like fear. It attaches emotional significance to situations or objects and forms emotional...
by Sue Campanella | May 19, 2023 | Awakening, Consciousness, Emotion Code, Empowerment, Energy Healing, Grace, Health, Health & Wellness, Inspiration, Law of Attraction, Relationships, Spirituality, Stress Relief, Transformation
Its all about perspective. What is forgiveness? We find it so hard to forgive as most of us have a little voice in our head that says if you forgive, that means the other(s) is off the hook, somehow you are saying its OK that you hurt me. Let’s change the word...
by Bernadette Bloom | Oct 25, 2022 | Energy Healing, Health & Wellness, Spirituality
So many people in the world have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Often they don’t evenknow that they have it. Personally, I have had nine instances of PTSD, and I am fully recoveredfrom them. I am alive and well, all thanks to Esoteric Healing. PTSD stems from...
by Bernadette Bloom | Oct 25, 2022 | Energy Healing, Health, Health & Wellness
My name is Bernadette Bloom. I am a holistic physical therapist, medical intuitive andenergy worker. This article on the energetics of breast cancer is based on my forty-two years ofstudy and twenty-nine years of practical work in the energetic world; work that...
by Bernadette Bloom | Oct 25, 2022 | Energy Healing, Health & Wellness, Spirituality
BERNADETTE BLOOM MI. PT. as channeled from the Tibetan Djwhal KhulFibromyalgia affects more women than men.It is called Fibromyalgia syndrome because it affects many different parts of the body. The paincan travel from your shoulders to your back to your legs and from...