The REAL Effect of Social Media on Kids
New guidelines just came out from the government on what age children should have a phone and/or be on social media....
Its all about perspective. What is forgiveness? We find it so hard to forgive as most of us have a little voice in our...
Expectations and Layers
I used to get upset when I realized something wasn’t turning out the way I wanted or thought it should. I’d get an...
Are You A People Pleaser?
For most of my life, I have been the easy-going, agreeable, and pleasant one who didn’t make waves or cause conflict...
The Truth About People Pleasing
People Pleasing is a behavior often learned in childhood as a self-preservation technique. It becomes a way of getting...
An Outrageous Thought Becoming Manifest A VERY Salty PSA – “U Empath You” is about to be out in the world!
I am sure many of you have heard things like “thoughts become things” or “9 Steps to Manifest What You Really Want in...
Rest is Radical
Being Believed What On Earth Is That??? A Very Salty PSA
I have had the great privilege to be working on a chapter in an anthology that will be published June 29th 2021. The...
Contemplations in the Garden – Using the Power of the Elements to Fuel Spiritual Growth
I have been studying, journeying, and learning about the elements this year – deepening my connection to,...
I Didn’t See This Coming… the journey of midlife rebirth
I was born adventurous and free-spirited. Frolicking in field and forest, staying close to nature. As a young...
How Can Trauma Promote Growth?
Trauma has many layers and types, but can simply be defined as an emotional response to a terrible event. Meaning the...
Reflections on the Clearing Process
Reflections On the Power of Clearing The following is some of my philosophy that lies behind the Power of Clearing...
Meditation My Ass
That was my exact response when asked as part of a one-year coaching certification in 2003, to establish a daily...
What Is Energy?
What is Energy? We hear this word often but what does it really mean? In this short three minute video, I define...
Health and Wellness Coach in Madison Wisconsin
Forgiveness After Marital Infidelity and Betrayal
Forgiveness After Marital Infidelity and Betrayal By Sandy Levey-Lunden There is a reason for the public fascination...
The Power of Forgiveness
The Power of Forgiveness by Sandy Levey-Lundén, Miracle Network 2012 How I Came to Study the Course and the prayer...
Stressed or Depressed
There is a difference. Depression can manifest as irritability or anger. When someone is depressed, they don't see the...
❤️The Thoughts You Hold About Yourself❤️
What God Says on how we attract our physical life: “The quality of what we attract determines the value we give...
Please, Forgive Yourself!
What ever has occurred to this point can not be undone. Only acknowledging your part, making the adjustments and be...
My Awakening: YouTube interview with Public Speaker and Author, Aaron Fisher (@theawakeningself)
Watch my interview with Aaron Fisher (entrepreneur, public speaker and author; @theawakeningself on Instagram) where...
If you trust yourself the Universe will trust you!
The Universe is truly amazing and the power of connection and energy continues to blow my mind!Once again this is...
Old Soul/New Beginnings
Well everyone being a contributing author has certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone! I am wanting to be of...
3 Ways to Overcome Failure
Are you feeling stuck creating your online business? Are you struggling to move forward? In this week’s Podcast of The...
Harvesting Happiness: The One Thing That I Know
This is the photo of one happy "farm boy!" And the one thing that I know is it wasn't always the way he felt about the...
Embrace Your Fears and Break the Ties That Bind You
Fear happens to everyone, and it is no wonder with the t. v. news, the internet, job stress, family issues, and our...
The Joy of Being Proven Wrong
This was originally published on The Blog of A Lighter Soul on July 21, 2015. I do not enjoy being wrong. I may have...
Stepping Stones – The Journey of Your Life
Life is a journey filled with choices, challenges and joy. The choice is always yours. The choice you make is a...
STOP CHASING YOUR ZEN…it’s right in front of you.
Do you think God/Spirit/Source is ever confused or overwhelmed? Do you think s/he/it gets worried and anxious about...
No Balance = No Satisfaction, No Success
Tired of chasing success & satisfaction? Not sure what you’re doing wrong? Our research shows that most women are...
When to Break the Rules
A few questions for you: Where have you been following the rules – in life or in business – even though there’s a part...
Creation vs Destruction: Is One More Valuable Than the Other?
Creating something new—whether a relationship, a room of your own, or a collage—feels great! Creation is touted all...
5 Ways to Give Yourself Love
You are deserving of your love as much as others are. You teach others how to treat you. If you don't love yourself...
Standing in the Fire
Standing in the fire of conscious entrepreneurship will test and refine you like nothing else can. And that’s exactly...
Break Free from Pleasing Others at Your Expense! When you come to “Break Free” from limiting beliefs, habits, routines and...
Giving and Receiving
We are taught as little children “it is better to give than receive”. If you really think about this, while this is a...
Your Identity vs The Real You
There’s this great little parable of an Old Cherokee Indian telling his grandson about two wolves inside himself that...
The Journey
We’ve all heard the saying “Life is about the journey, not the destination.” What does it really mean? For me, it’s...