The Universe is truly amazing and the power of connection and energy continues to blow my mind!
Once again this is another perfect example of the Universe working its Power and Magic and collectively gathering women who have the intention and purpose of living in truth and teaching others how to do the same by sharing their stories and their vulnerability!
When I was invited to be part of this book, I immediately knew intuitively the right publisher had found me and I trusted from the first email!
I had put the intention out in the universe about a year prior and it’s not by chance the opportunity showed up when it did!
I knew I would meet other authors and that they would be sharing their stories but I had know idea who!
When it was revealed who all my co-authors were I was blown away at the alignment the purpose and the power at all of these beautiful powerful women all uniquely different but energetically a strong similar vibration and intention!
My teaching to others is “Trusting your Intuition!”, and you can’t teach something until you have a strong practice with yourself first.
I am joyful at the trusting on this project! I don’t believe there are any coincidences and it is obvious and clear here, the energy behind this collaboration is for the greater good to inspire and raise the vibration of consciousness through sharing our own vulnerability and personal journeys!
Let your intuition always be in alignment with your truth and it will never guide you wrong!
With much love and gratitude,
Anne Marie