Musings of a Struggling Writer

Musings of a Struggling Writer

I confess that I am a struggling writer. I often struggle with my writing because I have so much to say but need to organize and structure my thoughts in order to convey exactly what I really mean. Other times I struggle because I have an idea in the recesses of my...
Do More to SOAR!

Do More to SOAR!

Being a Multipotentialite Hello, my name is Anita and I am a multipotentialite. How I love the sound of that word! Career coach, Emilie Wapnick, gives an illuminating discussion in her Ted Talk back in 2015. She defines multipotentialites as those who develop a range...


Shamanic Healing / Sacred Plant Retreats / Workshops Shamanism: A Shaman is an individual that has access and influence in the world of the benevolent and the malevolent spirits.  During ritual or ceremony the Shaman enters into a trancelike state. In these altered...