• Quick Little Update on Life Right Now
      Jessica Tucker
      I’m so excited to be here! I have the honour to be part of a collection of women sharing their experiences and inspiring others. What a dream come true! This book came at a time when I was ready and wanting to share my story and I am so very grateful …read more
    • Musings of a Struggling Writer
      Anita D Russell
      I confess that I am a struggling writer. I often struggle with my writing because I have so much to say but need to organize and structure my thoughts in order to convey exactly what I really mean. Other times I struggle because I have an idea in the …read more
    • Theta Healing
      Jane Del Piero
      “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” Buddha
      The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and …read more
    • Do More to SOAR!
      Anita D Russell
      Being a Multipotentialite
      Hello, my name is Anita and I am a multipotentialite. How I love the sound of that word! Career coach, Emilie Wapnick, gives an illuminating discussion in her Ted Talk back in 2015. She defines multipotentialites as those …read more
    • The Joy of Being Proven Wrong
      Angela Papay
      This was originally published on The Blog of A Lighter Soul on July 21, 2015.
      I do not enjoy being wrong. I may have gotten more graceful with situations that show me the error of my ways (in one way or another) but I still don’t like it. My pride …read more
    • Love Is The Teacher
      Amy J Hellman
      My fiance went on his bachelor camping weekend in Upstate New York last week. He left for the mainland almost two weeks ago. When he left, I was tending 3 out of 6 teensy weensy 6 week old kittens I discovered abandoned on the side of the road …read more
    • Awakening to the paradigm shift , the Aquarian age
      Jane Del Piero
      The Aquarian Age will be dominated by networks, and information. We are living in a time of huge transformation, transforming into networks of information and life in the matrix. The key phrase for this age is “Be to be.” The statement of the …read more
    • Shamanism
      Jane Del Piero
      Shamanic Healing / Sacred Plant Retreats / Workshops
      Shamanism: A Shaman is an individual that has access and influence in the world of the benevolent and the malevolent spirits.  During ritual or ceremony the Shaman enters into a trancelike state. …read more
    • FORGIVENESS: Let Go and Be Free
      Michelle Dillard
      Are there people in your life who have wronged you in some way? I am sure there are. We have all been hurt by someone at sometime or another in our lives. Are you waiting on an apology from that person or persons? Even those who have apologized to …read more
    • Stepping Stones – The Journey of Your Life
      Kathy Fyler
      Life is a journey filled with choices, challenges and joy. The choice is always yours. The choice you make is a stepping stone.
    • The Powerful You! Movement WOMANiFESTO
      Kathy Fyler
      There is a quiet and persistent uprising around the planet. It is pervasive in homes, communities and businesses. It is a gentle nudge and at the same time it is a gigantic …read more
    • When to Break the Rules

      A few questions for you:
      Where have you been following the rules – in life or in business – even though there’s a part of you that knows it’s not good for you?
      What have you been doing that just doesn’t FEEL right, even if:
      1. Everyone else is doing …read more

    • Unleash Your Leonardo Da Vinci

      By Dr. Jo Anne White
      The other day, I was speaking to a colleague, lamenting that we had to be professionally pigeonholed into categories. Just choose one specialty, even when we have expertise in several others. It’s a sensible marketing …read more