“I am not Afraid. I was born to do this” -Joan of Arc
I love Joan of Arc. She is a woman and person I have really connected with on my healing journey.
She showed courage and fortitude; finding her strength with and in God.
She did not reject her self or her purpose and plan.
She was radical and passionately followed her purpose and plan by “any means necessary.” She stood tall in her authentic truth and when she wavered; she self corrected back onto her path and authenticity.
She was brought up on charges of heresy, witchcraft and violating divine law by wearing men’s clothing. She went to her death with courage, grace and self-acceptance when she was burned at the stake.
She reminds me to be radical in my authenticity and perfect identity. To accept myself and follow my heart with God passionately.
Not everyone will agree with me and I have been subject to the court of radical public opinion.
I was born for this and I will not be Afraid of the plans God has for me. I will stand tall in my truth and I know God is with me every step of the way.
My purpose is to serve Him and bring forth the change we are all seeking in the manner He wants me to present it to you.
We all have our individual plans with God. We all have our own purpose.
Do not be afraid; you were born for this. Stand tall in your truth and do not reject yourself because of the Court of Public Opinion.
God Bless!