Giving and Receiving

Giving and Receiving

We are taught as little children “it is better to give than receive”. If you really think about this, while this is a great concept in theory, it is a mathematical impossibility. If everyone is giving, then who is receiving? In order for this to work, someone has to...
Giving and Receiving

Your Identity vs The Real You

There’s this great little parable of an Old Cherokee Indian telling his grandson about two wolves inside himself that are fighting. One wolf is good: full of peace, harmony and love. The other wolf is evil: full of malice, anger and hatred. The little boy asks his...
The Journey

The Journey

We’ve all heard the saying “Life is about the journey, not the destination.” What does it really mean? For me, it’s about remembering that there is never really any destination at all. Through out our lives we have goals and experiences that we want to achieve. Even...