I walked off stage, grabbed my journal, and went right to the videographer to debrief.
It wasn’t the time for celebration or hugs.
I nailed my speech! Best delivery yet.
50 or so women entrepreneurs.
They picked me to open the conference.
First of 18 speakers.
It was an honour.
But RIGHT after I spoke, before I hit the crowd,
That time is for ME.
It’s not the time time for follow up conversations with prospective clients.
That’s coming in 5 minutes…. (unless you sell from stage and are meeting those who bought pronto.)
That time is for me.
That’s when it’s all fresh.
Feeling the audience, replaying the stories.
Did the teaching land?
Could I have tweaked that one part just a little bit?
I’m constantly on a mission to improve as a speaker, author, content and digital marketing specialist.
If we think about athletes, they watch the playback tapes before their practice starts.
It’s no different as entrepreneurs, we analyze our conversions, open rates, breakage rates,
And we practice.
Our content, sales delivery, teaching.
But I’ve found the sweet spot of improvement to be RIGHT after I perform.
RIGHT AFTER that speech, sales video, webinar, LIVE on social media.
That’s when I’m analyzing and tweaking.
That sets the tone for how I practice the next day, week, month.
Maybe it’s not a business you’re trying to improve.
But this practice can be applied to anything.
Want to get stronger at the gym?
Replay your workout as your stretching and cooling down.
Your marriage? After the make- up- you- know -what, debrief on that fight.
Parenting? I sit down next to Oliver during his meltdowns because the lego piece won’t fit the way he wants it to.
After the tears, that’s the sweet spot moment.
Don’t miss it because you’re too busy moving onto the next thing on your list.
Need help converting your next offer? Pick up my sales cheat sheet, practice, and debrief with it.