Author Blog

    • Sue Urda
    • Self Love: I Am the Prize
      Amber Taylor
      Self love is one of those concepts that has also become a buzz word. An idea that’s been sold, resold, rebranded, and marked up.
      Now it’s almost like a gimmick, the ‘woo woo cure all for everything’ and incites an automatic eye roll when it’s thrown …read more
    • How Can Trauma Promote Growth?
      Amber Taylor
      Trauma has many layers and types, but can simply be defined as an emotional response to a terrible event. Meaning the trauma we experience and the effect it has on our lives is based on each individual and their lived experience.
      As humans, we all …read more
    • What Am I Hungry For? Eating with Intention and Purpose
      Deborah Strafuss
      Eating is a sacred act. It is nourishment and life for our bodies, minds, and spirits.
      Our food is more than our physical sustenance, yet we often do not eat that way.
      When, what and how we feed our bodies provides energy for our spirits and souls as …read more