5 Steps to Expanding Your Business Opportunities without Networking!!!!

By Carole Sacino


  • Drive Business Connections WITHOUT Networking!
  • Have a plan, prepare and work your plan!
  • Target!!!!  Who, why, where and how do you make a lasting impression with those that matter
  • Commit to attend as many events as possible that will help build your connections
  • Follow up and Follow through!

So when we talk about Networking, there is a reaction, a feeling and many times an energy drainer around the need to be out there networking.  As coaches, it is all about the reframe.   So let’s do some reframing around networking.

Networking is Connections. This is about building relationships with other people!!  Be present;be curious to learn about them and most importantly, how you can help them be successful.


Talking less and Asking more. (Active listening)  Listen for and learn about what is on the person’s mind, a burning issue they are trying to resolve, a unique point or two that you remember and use in a follow-up note within 24-48 hours.  It is all about them not you!

“What we see depends mainly on what we are looking for”

Selling is out and Sharing is in!It is aconversation not a pitch!  Ask about them, why they decided to attend this event, what other events do they attend or recommend for you to attend, what they like about it etc.   This is a great opportunity to share information, insight etc about the industry, news, business opportunities that would HELP them not you.

We usually get what we anticipate

Taking cards to Giving them your attention. This isa great opportunity to engage in conversation andask them for their business card.Take a few moments to look at it, see something to comment on i.e. logo, colors, pictureetc and this acknowledges the person and the connection that you really care to get the card.  It is not until I have received their card do I offer mine as a way to stay connected in the future.

You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself

Follow up and Follow through:If you want to set yourself apart…follow up in a timely and unique way.  During you conversation, make a note of something you heard them say of interest and use it in the follow-up.  Doyour homework before you follow up.  Go to LinkedIn and learn more about the person’s background, interests etc and also who they know that you might know.  I also go to the company website and read up on the Mission and Value statements and also visit the Career section to hear what they say about attracting and retaining talent.  This gives you a lot of information about whether what you offer would be appreciated.  My personal goal is to get back to people within 24 hours and move to continue to connection by a next meeting for coffee or upcoming event to reconnect.  Keep the door open and find a way to stay connected with relevant and interesting reasons.

“What you focus on grows bigger”

Focus your intention and attention on a desired outcome and things will begin to happen as you see them!!!!

Connection Suggestion…

Prepare door opening questions.  Ask what they do and what they like about what they are doing (if they seem positive, comment on their obvious passion) and ask how they stay motivated and engaged!

Be energetic, curious and interested by asking questions!!!  Only answer questions about what you do if and when they ask!  If they don’t ask, find a link between what they mentioned to you and use that as a way to bridge a solution you bring to the market.

Be up to date on the latest news, sports, industry specific events etc as a way to have a CONVERSATION with people and build the relationship.

Always come from a Giving place…give something of yourself to others….be of service and it will always serve you well and separate you from all the others that are there to NETWORK.


Invest time, energy and effort in knowing your business community, become part of it by volunteering your expertise, build trust and commitment for the long run and not the short term for business gain.

It will pay off with patience, passion and purpose in your intention.

Interested in one to one coaching on more about connections…email:  carole@turningpointinsitute.com

About the Author: Carole Sacino, Principal of Turning Point Institute, a consulting company providing solutions when the goal is to Engage, Commit and Motivate individuals and teams toward a common purpose (objective) with results from the inside out! She has spent 20 plus years in the publishing/media industry in multiple sales and senior executive level leadership positions driving business and change. A strong passion and purpose for mentoring, coaching, discovering and developing the high potentials “athletes” in the industry with a specific focus on cultivating women leaders. Carole is a Certified Professional Coach, Master Practitioner in Energy Leadership and emotional Intelligence and Motivation Factor ® Alliance Partner. www.turningpointinstitute.com

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