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Expert Registered Nurse, Entrepreneur, Educator, Storyteller, Writer, and all-around Life Sherpa dedicated to helping others Burn Brighter Not Out
Dr. Erica Martinez is a Registered Nurse, entrepreneur, coach, storyteller, and wellness en- thusiast. She is the Founder and President of NutriSherpa, where she helps clients find their voice and take back control over their lives. Erica recognizes that we all find ourselves in various roles throughout life (wife, mother, boss, nurse, educator, fill in your own blank) where we can easily become overwhelmed; however, we can also learn to thrive. She has a unique approach that empowers clients to burn brighter rather than burn out. Erica is a Midwestern girl at heart but currently lives in Southern California with her husband, two kids, and dog.
Helping others learn to embrace and express themselves fully without apology, which enables them to Burn Brighter Not Out!
My education and training resources center around learning to fully embrace and express who are you without apology while fostering your ability to Burn Brighter Not Out
I want everyone to feel empowered to be who they were each uniquely created to be - Embrace Your Perfect Imperfections!!
I have a unique approach that involves healing through storytelling and a sense of community
“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose, there are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from." ~ Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross