Heal Thy Self
Tapping Your Innate Wisdom to Heal Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Compiled By Sue Urda & Kathy Fyler
Price: $19.95
Have You Ever Wondered if Self-Healing is Possible?
Wonder No More!
The Possibilities are Real and Infinite.
Not only is it possible to heal yourself; it happens every day to ordinary people like you. Healing is the birthright of every individual; it does not discriminate. You don’t even have to believe it is possible for healing to occur; although, your belief in your ability to heal along with your mindset and a good dose of self-love greatly assist the healing process.
There are many people who suffer loss, illness, and trauma, and this greatly effects the way they show up in their lives, their overall well-being, and level of happiness, contentment, or success. Many of them live for years without resolution or healing before becoming aware and tapping into the incredible, inherent wisdom of their bodies and spirit. The beauty of discovering this natural resource of inner healing is that it is always available, to everyone—no exceptions.
Heal Thy Self contains stories of thirty-one women who have transformed their lives through some form of self-healing. Although each of their lives and stories of healing is very different, the common thread they share is that they are grateful for their healing and now have a desire to help others heal themselves too. Each of these women emerged—feeling blessed, grateful, vibrant, and even happy! Each transformed her life—and often the lives of those around her—into one she is now happy to live and share. May you find your own inspiration and passion to Heal Thy Self.
Read and Explore the Possibility of Self-Healing:
- Dis-ease can be released with ease
- Well-being is your birthright and readily available
- Self-love is the starting point for self-healing
- Grief, mourning, and despair can heal through love
- Shame and guilt can be alchemized to love and purpose
- Emotional and physical abuse are catalysts for personal power
- Self-respect and self-worth are often born through faith
- Regret and remorse can disintegrate with inspired action
- Practices and modalities work when you work them
- Prayers and devotion are precursors to peace
- A broken heart mends with loving intention
- Release the past to live fully in the present
- Forgiveness is an open door to healing
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