Divinely Fit
A Spirit, Mind, Body Journey of Struggle & Promise
Price: $15.95
You are invited to take a journey that uncovers the dark rooted vulnerabilities of Karla Medina’s life and diminishes them with God’s love and light. Her truth acknowledges and challenges your own truth through vivid examples of her struggle and recovery. This book offers you an opportunity to reveal your bondage, heal your wounds, and use them to seek transparency between your spirit, mind, and body. The promise of God’s divine light over your life may be the key to your personal recovery and life’s balance. You’ll be challenged to divorce yourself from living in your mind and embrace living in the spirit. With God’s word, intense experiences, honest lessons, and practical exercises, becoming Divinely Fit is only pages away for you!
About Karla Medina
Karla is a passionate, Latina entrepreneur and renowned fitness guru who is highly respected for her no-nonsense innovative approach to business and life. She is the owner and master trainer at Sudor Taino ® Group Fitness, a studio dedicated to enhancing people’s individual journey towards health, fitness and life. Her spirit, mind, body approach contributes to her authentic style and allows her to move people individually, motivate them collectively, and move them culturally. Karla is known for being an energetic motivational speaker and heartfelt philanthropist. She promises to pursue her God given purpose.