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Nora Yolles Young
Nora Young Hypnotherapy
United States
Women Living On Purpose, The Art & Truth of Transformation

Nora Yolles Young C.Ht, C.I., LBL® holds a Bachelor of Arts in Human Origins and Prehistory from The University of Redlands, Johnston Center. Nora considers her work as a certified integrative and regression hypnotherapist and instructor; Life Between Lives® therapist; consciousness coach; and healer to be both her art and her soul’s purpose. In her twenties Nora worked as a contract archaeologist in Hawaii and California; today, she blends her understanding of consciousness and people and cultures throughout the ages with innovative healing tools in her one-on-one and group sessions, trainings, lectures and publications. Born and raised in Hawaii, Nora now lives with her husband and two children in central North Carolina.