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About Journey to Joy and the stories in this book.

This uplifting book invites a diverse array of stories including those of women who have found true joy and freedom through the living of everyday life or those who are still finding their way on this path. The journeys are sometimes ordinary to the naked eye, but to the critical observer and the woman who lived it, her journey is one of magnificent courage and perhaps a leap of faith into uncharted waters.

Journey to Joy is sometimes accompanied by stepping out of one’s comfort zone and always accompanied by life lessons. Wisdoms hard-won are sometimes the sweetest to savor. These stories reveal the bitter and sweet, the fruitful and shallow, the hard-fought and the allowed.

Stories may be of spiritual transformation – a revelation of personal gifts or an acceptance of self or God; the joy of creation – love relationships, a new business or career, a family; or the joy of growth through adversity or unexpected circumstances.

There are as many stories as there are years in a woman’s life. The question for you is… which Journey of Joy will you choose to share?

About Empowering Transformations for Business and the stories in this book.

Every woman in business knows the difficult choices she faces and the hoops she jumps through when navigating her career path or starting and growing a business. This insightful and inspiring book tells the stories of women who have ‘been there, done that” and are now ready to share their story in service to other women in hopes of smoothing the way and sparing them hours of angst and the unknown.

Empowering Transformations for Business demonstrates the strength and tenacity of women in the workplace, even if this workplace is at their kitchen table.

Stories may be of a decision to switch or start a brand new career at a later stage in life; to strike out on a new business venture; to handle themselves differently and not accept the status quo in their chosen career path; or to transform their way of thinking to something that has made their business life not only palatable, but truly fulfilling.

Women have helped women climb the corporate ladder and break the glass ceiling in years past. Now it is time for us to unite for the true freedom we all desire in business – the freedom to be empowered along the way.

About Women Living Consciously and the stories in this book.

Conscious living is not something you do once; it becomes a way of life. This impassioned book shares stories of women who have come to a new way of being that has enriched their lives. Their consciousness shift occurred either through an outside-inflicted circumstance or a self-realized transformation or calling. No matter the cause, the actions and practices they followed led each of these women to a sense of wholeness which they demonstrate as they move through life.

Stories in this book reflect on spiritual transformations and spiritual paths followed; the exploration of personal patterns and the inner work involved in changing them to a desired way of being; the social and familial upheaval that sometimes occurs when one decides to follow her heart perhaps for the first time; and the shift from living life asleep to waking up to the beauty that exists around us.

Women Living Consciously is a statement for life. A woman who chooses to share her story in this book has made it part of her journey to show others the possibility that exists for each of us. She knows it is possible because she found it for herself.